The plant is thought to be indigenous to Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia. Generally, mint is a strongly aromatic square-stemmed annual crop that can grow to thirty-two inches and produce serrated leaves which are harvested just before flowering. Various species grow naturally worldwide and can quickly take over a garden by sending up new offshoots from their rapidly spreading roots. The species readily inbreeds so they are sometimes difficult to tell apart, but all have a distinctive minty odor and a fresh taste.

Popular in tea and salads, this refreshing and invigorating herb aids digestion, calming and soothing the entire digestive system.

Mint seeds take 21 days to germinate and be transplanted in the garden and a further 60 days to begin harvesting.

To harvest Mint, cut the mature branches to allow the plant to regrow.

Packaging is done in one kilogram boxes.
